L.I-W.A.L.T: Write a report.
Success.Criteria:I am successful when I can write a report about whales.
Whales are mammals.Some whales have no teeth, so they swallow small fish.A herd of whales is called a pod. Whales can breath from their blowhole that is on the top of their head.
Whales are shaped like a big submarine.Their dorsal fin has no bone. They have fins on each side of their body.Some whales are white, black and white (killer whale) and grey.
Whales use their tails and fins as a propeller.They use their flippers to swim. Blue whales are found in North Atlantic, North Pacific and Southern Hemisphere.A blue whale are much bigger than any dinosaurs.At winter blue whales swim to the Equator where the water is warmer.
Whales live in the sea or ocean.Killer whales are found in the major ocean around the world. Humpback whales travel a thousand of miles where the colder polar is.
Whales are the biggest mammals that lives on earth.
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